Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Discoveries and Updates

So this post is going to be pretty random. I've decided to just do a sort of all around update. First let me start by saying I'm sorry, I really do try to make time to post I promise! Second things have been pretty interesting around here. Alex and I decided that he is going to be enlisting into the Army. It was a huge decision and it was made with a lot of thought, prayer and talking. He's gaining weight and really progressing on his way to joining the Army. He's already gained 7 lbs and he only has about 7 left. What else is new, hmm. Oh I discovered that I'm in love with brussel sprouts and spinach. Seriously add bacon especially to brussel sprouts and I'm in heaven.

I also agreed to try hearing aids. That was another huge step because quite honestly I did not want hearing aids. I'm going on Thursday to sit down with the audiologist and test out hearing aids. The specific type that she wants me to try are behind the ear hearing aids also known as BTE hearing aids. The specific model comes in 3 levels, each level is supposed to be better. Level 5 are basic BTE hearing aids although they are digital which is important. Digital provide more clarity and can help distiniguish where sound is coming from better as well.  Level 7 is a step up from Level 5 in terms of clarity and stuff, Level 9 is obviously a step up from that. The audiologist wants to try each and see which will work best for me. Although she felt the last time we talked that my speech discrimination is so poor that I probably won't see any extra benefits from a Level 7 or 9.

Other than all that I've just been dealing with the typical college student problems. This week is my finals week but I promise to write a post about how the next audiology apointment. So that is my update and to everyone going through finals as well, good luck!
Merry Christmas

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad despite struggles you seem to be doing well. Good luck with your finals and I hope the hearing aids will help with whatever they are intended for. Hugs.
