“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out– because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out– because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out– because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out– because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me– and there was no one left to speak out for me.” (Wikipedia: “… one of many variations of a poem attributed to Pastor Martin Niemoller (1892–1984) about inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power” . )
I believe this is happening even now. I read a disturbing news story from Canada today. A women went into court wearing her hijab. The judge not only gave her an earful about wearing it in the courtroom she also demanded the women remove it. When the women refused the judge refused to hear her case until she would remove her hijab. Many christians I know think this is a wonderful story and that disturbs me more. This is no different than a judge demanding someone remove the cross on their necklace, a mormon remove their temple garments or a jewish man remove his yarmulke. This woman has a fundamental right to the articles of her faith.
We have to be willing to defend even those we disagree with. We have to be willing to defend all people of faith not just those of our own faith. There is so much that we agree on and believe in. Together we can be a united force for good in the world. Separated we become like the poem. We are picked off one by one until there are no more voices for religious freedom. I challenge all those who read this to be those voices for religious freedom for all.
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