This post is a reflection on recent life. It's not meant to be preachy to anyone, it's just my take on things. I recently read an important quote that stuck. It was: There are two kinds of people in this world. Those that say "Thy will be done" and those that say "Well fine have it your way." I've always been the second kind of person. I've dragged my feet and always managed to get to the end of my rope well before I'm willing to listen.
I think a lot of our perspectives on life are wrapped up in those two answers. The first is a willingness to listen, to understand that there really is a plan even when we can't see it. It's belief in the idea that it is always darkest before dawn. The second is pure stubbornness, it is an I know best attitude. Frequently the second response leads people into situations they don't want to be in before they're willing to accept help.
I've always believed that God gives us choices in life, forks in the road. Often we don't see them until we're well down the path, having chosen without ever really noticing it. I also think he tries his best to give us gentle nudges before he uses a boot in the backside. I got another gentle nudge this week. After beginning to have full blown seizures and watching what that was doing to my life I got mad. I was mad at God and everything and everyone else. I was mad that things weren't working out the way I had planned. I was so mad I was willing to ignore the things I know are true. Then my amazing sisters sat down to watch a movie with me. We were narrowing down the choices between a familiar and hilarious movie and a movie I hadn't seen before. I picked the second movie, somewhat interested.
The entire movie was a gentle nudge, because it was about a guy who got to the end of his rope. He got to where his life was going up in flames before he realized that the God he was certain didn't care about him or his problems was very interested in both. I say another because two good friends also gave me nudges. One reminded me that it wasn't God's fault that I was having seizures. It wasn't his decision for that to happen. The other gave me a very insightful answer to a question I asked, an answer that I needed to hear. As always when I feel lost my wonderful husband gives me nudges too. I've found so far in life that when I get a gentle nudge and I actually listen to it a course correction is always involved. I've also found that when I'm on the right path even if it's not the one I wanted or picked there's a peace there. It's certainty of, ok I don't know where this road leads but I'm trusting You to be with me wherever it goes.
I'm not a perfect person and I'm certainly not the best example of my faith. I'd like to think though that it may take an eternity to change me but one day I want to be the kind of person that can say "Ok, Thy will be done" instead of "have it your way."
Lovely, well-written, and insightful. Hope the seizures get better. Loves.