Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hubby Bragging

So I know that I don't do it often enough but I'm trying to tell my husband how wonderful he is more often. Since the things I'm trying to do usually end up in my blog posts this post shouldn't be a big surprise. Now I'm going to shamelessly brag about my husband and how wonderful he is.

My husband knows me better than almost anyone in the entire world. He's my best friend. He knows just how to make me smile when I'm feeling drained and exhausted. He always remembers (sometimes better than me!) what I am and am NOT supposed to be eating. In his own supportive way he discourages cheating on my diet since there are serious consequences with it. He patiently reads the labels and knows what to look for. He also is an amazing cook, seriously his food is delicious! He has a great gift of making food look good even when I'm sick and food is the last thing on my mind.

He always tells me that I'm beautiful even if I'm in my pjs and absolutely certain that I look how I feel (some days it's like death warmed over). He is always supportive of my weight and has been incredibly positive about it even when I'm not. He has an incredible knowledge of the scriptures and it's really helpful. We balance each other well. He knows things about the scriptures I don't, and I provide the fresh perspective to scriptures he's spent a lifetime with. He corrects my absolutely terrible grammar for school assignments!

He consistently tries to be a better man. He goes to the doctor with me and helps me manage my health problems. He's there to catch me( literally sometimes)! He's held my hand through a lot of tough moments and through the really great ones too. He's sexy. I do want to end with a slight reality check. While my husband is absolutely wonderful he is still a very imperfect man. He still leaves his clothes on the bathroom floor, hogs the covers, and kicks me in the middle of the night. He is not a perfect man but he is perfect for me!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Really? Clothes on the floor? Not Alex! Nice to know he takes care of you so well, though. He is a good guy and some people just don't recognize that enough sometimes. Love ya!
