Saturday, December 8, 2012

Life's Detours

Part of having seizures is that I tend to sleep and be awake at odd hours. This habit of being awake at strange hours has lead to me reflecting on my life. I think that everyone has an idea or image in their mind of how they expected life to unfold. If you had asked me five years ago my vision of life would be nothing like the one I'm living.

I think one of the hardest things in life is letting go what you think life should be like. Embracing the fact that your life has taken a turn you didn't see coming can be quite the challenge. Since I'm currently facing that challenge I want to share some things I'm learning as I go. These are all things I'm trying to do in my own life with varying amounts of success but the important thing is that I'm trying.

1. My mountain is your mole hill but that's ok because my mole hill is your mountain.
   Never underestimate another person's trials because often what seems easy to you can be an incredible challenge for another person.

2. Variety is the spice of life, learn to love it.
   Life doesn't go according to anyone's plans and sometimes that's the best part. If my life had gone according to my plan a few years ago I wouldn't be a Mormon, married, or the person I am today.

3. Being sick stinks but it doesn't have to be the end of the world.
  This is by far the hardest one for me personally. Having seizures stinks but life has to move on. Despite having seizures there is so much more to life than that.

4. Life moves on so move with it.
  Often we get stuck in the problems in our life so much that we completely miss the great things about life. We see the tiny flaw in the painting and so completely miss the masterpiece in front of our eyes!

5. You are who you are, learn to love you for you.
  I am me and that's all I can be. There are things about me I couldn't change if I wanted to so while it's a challenge I have to learn to love me as I am. 

So those are my reflections on life's detours, I'm sure the list will continue to expand. My parting thought would be : that no matter where in life you find yourself enjoy the moment because it won't come again.

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