All of that excitement aside I wanted to take note of something. Friday night was the 7th time since April that I've gone into full blown anaphylactic shock. This was the 7th time that I ended up in the ER or admitted to the hospital for a severe allergic reaction. I personally think there's something pretty remarkable about my lucky number 7, I'm still kicking. While it's been a trying time there have been numerous silver linings in the clouds. Here are five of my silver linings that make getting through the rough patches possible. If you're struggling through your own rough patch hopefully these will bring a smile to your day!
Silver Linings
1. I haven't died!
2. I have an amazing family.
3. I have some incredible friends. Tay-Tay, Mady, Krystal, Cammie and many others who are just awesome.
4. I have a wonderful husband!
5. I have the gospel of Jesus Christ.
All I can think is I'm so glad you have reached number lucky 7 and can write about it. I know from personal experience how incredibly it is to go through that. I know how much it literally hurts after you've had an epi-pen. I know the fear that runs through you when you're going through a reaction. Way to stay positive through it all though. You're truly amazing!