Monday, August 5, 2013

Massive Update Part 1

So one of my amazing friends pointed out to me that she really didn't know what was going on in my life when we talked the other day. So in response I give you the Massive Update Part 1. There has been enough going on lately I think it'll be at least a 2 part update. So first things first I am in fact alive! I find this to be a very encouraging thing. Here's a quick bullet point update of some things going on in my life. I promise more details on the list at a later date:

1. New medicine! Yay! Well maybe, I think, yay.
2. New doctor, I found an allergist.
3. Another full blown "mild anaphylactic shock" (that's my sixth since April)
4. I had to use my epipen while shopping. (Definite booo.)
5. We went to Florida for the coolest family reunion ever.
6. I got a courageous award for doing 70% of the modified fun run walk portion before collapsing with a seizure.
7. Spent 20 hours in a car with my spouse and dog over 4 days.
8. Spent an afternoon at the beach with the whole family!!
9. I see my wonderful amazing niece on Tuesdays. ( Best day of the week in my opinion)
10. Alex has a good job finally!!!!
11. Alex is now working 60+ hours a week, every week.
12. Sadly we were released from teaching Primary.
13. I'm starting independent study classes this month!
14. My new doctor might have an answer to the big question: what the heck is wrong with me!!!!!!!!!

More to come in my next update! Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... I expected your massive update to be a bit more, ummmm, well, MASSIVE!!! :)
