Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Breaking Update

This post is a combination of everything that has happened recently. Please allow me to interrupt your regularly scheduled lives for this breaking update.

First and foremost my husband enlisted into the Army active duty. He will be leaving for Basic Training on April 14th and after Basic he will go to Advanced Individual Training. I'm planning a post specifically about this topic so that's the overview for now.

On the medical front there have been a few updates. First I'm no longer seeing the same rheumatogist. To put it politely he gave up on treating me. Secondly my medicine has been changed yet again recently. That's been a moving target for a while. Third we're dealing with a new problem. I recently started having nosebleeds. Naturally they haven't acted like regular nosebleeds. I had two just yesterday. One was 41 minutes long and the second one was 25 minutes long. I stupidly decided I should probably see my primary doctor for it since the second nosebleed was the 5th in just a few weeks.

 In a stunning move of sheer stupidity my doctor wrote it off and prescribed a nasal spray. The catch to that is he prescribed something with steroids. I happen to be allergic to steroids. No not mildly allergic or moderately allergic, I'm deathly allergic. He's even admitted me into the hospital for an allergic reaction to a steroid. What's worse is it wasn't just that it was any old steroid it's one I know I'm allergic to. It gets better, it's the exact nasal spray that I've already had an allergic reaction to that required an epipen. Thankfully my pharmacist caught the glaring error in the prescription. I want to take this moment to express my gratitude to my pharmacists and nurses they really do stop doctors from killing you.

In other news I'm almost done with the BYU Independent Study class I've been taking. Both of my married sister in laws are pregnant. My adorable niece is my weekly morale boost. She cheers me up so much. She is absolutely a little bundle of joy. Also my sister in law Heather was accepted to BYU Provo for the fall term. She's nearing graduation and I will sorely miss her.

 So that's my update for now. Please return to your regularly scheduled life.